When it comes to legendary brands in paintball, few are as well renowned as JT Paintball. JT helped teams achieve greatness while using their products including the most popular goggle ever, the JT Proflex. JT has produced a wide variety of products through the years, but the most popular have to be the Proflex, their jerseys, and the pants that everyone was using in 2004, the JT Team Pants! In the last few years there has been a massive amount of people that have come back into paintball which has created tremendous buzz around JT, as they want products that they used to use. With this buzz, JT has started to produce more products including pod packs, goggle accessories, and even re-released the Team pants that were so popular in the past. Additionally, JT has started sponsoring pro teams again including some of those that they were known to sponsor in the past like Dynasty, X-Factor, and Aftermath!