Basic Maintenance Tips - Empire Axe 2.0 Paintball Gun

The Empire Axe 2.0 is arguably one of the most affordable and best paintball guns you can get for around $500, and its popularity amongst players reflects that. A mid-grade paintball marker that can keep up with high end guns (and has won tournaments too), the Axe 2.0 can be a workhorse. But one thing I've noticed is the amount of questions regarding maintenance. What do you do in this case? What parts should you service, clean, lube, etc? That's what this blog is for, to give you some tips on maintaining your Axe 2.0 so it rips out on the paintball field!

Here's what to do:

Cleaning the Axe 2.0's bolt system is super easy, and can be done in a few steps! Here's what you need to do:

  1. Push the silver button right below the back of the Axe 2.0. If the bolt system doesn't come out right away, you can easily grab it and pull the bolt system out.
  2. Now that the bolt system is removed, take the bolt off as well as the bolt spring.
  3. Wipe off any old lubricant, dirt or debris with a microfiber cloth.
  4. Get your lubricant or grease, and apply a small, thin coat on all o-rings located on the outside of the bolt system, the bolt guide, and the bolt itself.
  5. Install your main spring onto the bolt. If the spring goes over the bolt easily and loosely, flip it over and re-install it.
  6. Line up the small silver peg on the bottom of the bolt system, and insert the bolt system into the Axe 2.0 until it locks in place. You should hear a click.
  7. Last thing to do is to air up your Axe 2.0 paintball gun, and dry fire (shoot it without paint) it about 10-20 times. This should spread the newly applied grease over all of the o-rings and help prevent bolt stick.

That's it! You're done!

It's fast, simple and sweet to do basic maintenance on the Empire Axe 2.0. Keeping up with this basic maintenance will ensure that your Axe 2.0 will tear it up on the paintball field, and prolong the life span of those o-rings. The best way to describe this process is that it's the equivalent of changing the oil in your car, it's simple and necessary.

 If you need to pick up any maintenance supplies, you can do so right here!

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Paintball faqPaintball gunPaintball markerTech tip