The Shocker ERA is a fantastic high-end paintball gun, but even with expensive equipment, you still have to take care of it! This blog post will go over the basic maintenance required to keep your Shocker ERA ripping.
Cleaning and Maintaining the Bolt System:
- Rotate the back cap and pull the bolt system out.
- Take the bolt can off. This can be done by threading the blue piece off.
- Push the bolt out of the bolt can. If the bolt guide and post comes with the bolt can, that's okay. Just separate these parts.
- Once you have these parts in front of you, wipe off any old grease and apply new grease to the o-rings. This step is especially important for the o-ring inside of the bolt can.
- Once you've finished applying grease to these o-rings, put it all back together.
That's it for basic maintenance, here are some advanced/deep cleaning tips:
- Remove the spool (long and skinny blue piece) and take the middle joiner piece off.
- Take the spool and insert it into the shuttle. The shuttle is located in the very back of the core. Angle the spool and pull it out. This should catch the shuttle. If it doesn't, try again. It can take a couple of tries.
- Once you have these parts removed, simply wipe off any old grease and apply new grease to all of the o-rings.
- Put everything back together. The middle joiner piece is threaded the same on both ends, so you won't need to worry about re-installing it incorrectly.
That's it! Now it's time to test your work.
Even doing a deeper clean on the Shocker ERA's bolt system is really simple, and the entire kit can be stripped down in a matter of minutes. The last thing to do is simply air up your Shocker ERA, and dry fire it 10-20 times. This will take your newly applied lubricant and coat all of your o-rings more evenly.
Need some maintenance supplies? Click HERE.
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